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The effects of sleep on the skin

By :Eshop Nohèm 0 comments
The effects of sleep on the skin

The benefits of restful sleep on the skin are obvious. When we talk about the beauty of the skin, the expression “having a restful sleep” takes on its full meaning. After a restless or too short night, the complexion loses its radiance, fatigue can be seen on the face, and a faded appearance sets in. This phenomenon is completely normal, because the skin has not had the necessary time to regenerate. It is essential to recognize that sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy, radiant skin, although this factor is often overlooked. Find out how to take advantage of these benefits!

The skin regeneration cycle

The skin, just like us, follows a circadian rhythm, also called “cutaneous chronobiology” or “biorhythm” of the skin. This mechanism, linked to daylight and the darkness of night, influences the functioning of the skin throughout the 24 hours of a day. Daytime brightness encourages the skin to adopt a defensive mode, acting as a barrier against external aggressions such as pollution , sun, wind and dust particles. At night, the skin abandons its protective role to devote itself to regeneration and cellular renewal.

During the night, the skin enters a "rest" phase, which does not mean inactivity, but rather tranquility allowing it to repair itself in the absence of external aggressions. Cellular regeneration involves increased cell division, multiplying skin cells up to three times more than during the day. This process requires energy, provided by increased blood circulation during the night. The skin becomes more permeable, opening its pores and facilitating the absorption of active ingredients present in night care products.

After a good night's sleep, the skin has had time to regenerate, producing collagen and elastin. Cellular renewal and increased microcirculation guarantee a fresh complexion and reduce dark circles. The skin is better oxygenated, and its nighttime permeability promotes the effectiveness of the treatments applied. To optimize these benefits, it is recommended to clean the skin thoroughly before bed and apply a night cream.

The harmful effects of fatigue on the skin result from the disruption of biorhythms linked to sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep manifests itself in a dull complexion, skin irregularity, pronounced dark circles, tired features, loss of flexibility, sagging skin and imperfections . Hormones secreted exclusively during the night orchestrate this process, and when sleep is insufficient, the skin directly suffers the consequences. Premature skin aging can also result from lack of sleep and disruption of biorhythms.

Beautiful skin: sleeping habits to adopt

To promote restful sleep, adopt healthy habits such as eating lightly and early, limiting exposure to screens before bed, increasing sleep duration to between 7 and 9 hours, reducing stress through relaxing activities, maintaining a cool temperature in the room, and ensure darkness is conducive to the secretion of melatonin. The use of specific products can also help optimize the benefits of sleep on the skin. Don't underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep, it is a real asset for the health and beauty of your skin!

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